BKO Articles

7 December 2019 - Swinley East Saturday Event - Results and photos

After the recent wet weather, we were lucky to have it dry this morning for our event at Swinley Forest. If you were with us, thank you for coming! We hope you enjoyed the event. Results are now available and can be found by using the the event listing on the results tab.  For a selection of photos taken during the event, see the Flickr album: Swinley East Photos.

1 December 2019 - Medals Galore at the Southern Championships

BKO Medallists at the Southern Championships 2019

Originally scheduled for the Spring but delayed due to nesting birds, the 2019 Southern Championships were today staged by Bristol Orienteering Klubb (BOK) in the Forest of Dean. And there were some great results from club members with several podium positions. ….

23 November 2019 - The 2019 Club Chamionships

The annual Club Championship was held today in association with the regional league event at Pamber Forest. The event was staged by Basingstoke and Andover Orienteering Club (BADO). To compete for the Men’s title, members had to tackle ….

19 October 2019 - BBC Radio Berkshire navigate to Swinley Forest

Our event at Swinley Forest today featured on BBC Radio Berkshire. On Saturday mornings they have a treasure hunt, the 'Peach Quest', where a studio team use clues to direct the reporter, Donna, around Berkshire. One of the clues today ….

6 October 2019: SCOL1 at Bucklebury Common: Results and Photos

If you attended our regional league event (SCOL1) at Bucklebury Common today, we hope you enjoyed the varied woods and heath in early Autumn. The overnight rain had left some paths a bit wet ….

20 September 2019 - September Newsletter in Circulation

The September issue of the club's award-winning Newsletter is being distributed to members today - either by e-mail or, for those having printed copies, by post. The issue features a picture of Dimitar Gospodinov on the cover reaching for a control at our Jennett's Park event in July. Also included....

17 August 2019 - Ashenbury Park Summer Event

Thank you for coming to our event postponed from the 10th due to the storm that struck England that day. However today we had bright conditions as competitors took to the parks and estates of East Woodley. The event was based at Ashenbury Park, Woodley, but ….

21 July 2019 - July Newsletter published

The July issue of the club's Newsletter was available for collection at yesterday's event. Pdf versions were sent out on Thursday. Those not collected will be in the post on Monday and should arrive with members on Tuesday or Wednesday. As we head into the summer holiday season, please remember to write reports on any orienteering events that you attend ready for the September issue. All previous issues of the Newsletter are available for download - see the 'Newsletter' tab above or in the menu. 

20 July 2019 - School's work recognised at the Club Picnic

Following today's event at Jennett's Park, club members relaxed in the sunshine at the annual Club Picnic. With catering organised by Fiona Clough, members were able to chat about their recent and forthcoming events and to generally get to know each other a bit better. The occasion was also ….

20 July 2019 - Navigating around Jennett's Park

We returned to the Jennett's Park estate for today Summer Urban Challnge event - almost exactly a year after our first visit. And the courses set by Martin Wilson certainly lived up to the 'challenge' surgested by the name. Based at the Community Centre, courses took competitors ….
