Maprun courses in Berkshire
What is Maprun and how do I access it?
Maprun is a free smartphone app that uses GPS location to record your visits to control points. This allows setting up courses and allows orienteering even when there are no markers on the ground. The current version is Maprun from FNE Enterprises and is available through the Apple App store and Google play.
Berkshire Orienteers has a number of maprun courses set up (listed below), these are mainly street events but forest-based courses may be available in future. These can be used for individual training and are a great way to get out and orienteer when larger events are not available.
How do I use Maprun?
You can find details on how to download and use Maprun here and some UK specific information here.
Download the BKO courses within the app via Select Event > UK > Berkshire.
Safety and Covid-19
Each event has some written details that cover how to access the courses and safety issues specific to the course.
You should always follow all covid regulations in force and follow the British Orienteering Covid Code of conduct.
You are likely to be running in an area you are unfamiliar with and on your own, we advise that you let someone know of your plans before you go or travel with a friend as covid regulations allow.
As Mapruns are run individually, you are running at your own risk and not covered by British Orienteering’s Liability insurance.
Additional information on using maprun and on safety can be found here.
How do I access the courses?
Check the final details and download the maps for printing from the links below.
A quick link to course details and results can also be found here.
Any further questions?
If you have any further questions on using maprun or are interested in planning a course, please contact