8 February 2019: AGM and Annual Dinner

The club held its AGM and Annual Dinner on Friday, 8th February – an event attended by a slightly reduced number of members this year since several regulars are currently travelling abroad.  Simon Moore chaired the AGM but had already indicated his intention to stand down from the position of Chairman.  The good news is that the post was filled by Stefan Stasiuk. As an M65 he is a very experienced orienteer with previous experience in club administration - even having chaired a club in his late 20s. A disappointment was the lack of anyone willing to take on the post of Fixtures Secretary so putting the provision of future events in the hands of the Committee more generally. One other new appointment to the Committee was that of Annika Greenwood, a very welcome addition.

The AGM is also the time when the Committee choices for two awards are announced.  The Derek Harding Award, for services to the club, was awarded to Jane Courtier who has willingly taken on, at short notice, the organising of several events during the past year when cancellation appeared likely.  The second award, ‘Jim’s Jug’, is usually for a junior who has shown great progress during the year and this was awarded to James Waite.

After the formal business of the evening was completed, members were able to relax and enjoy the Annual Dinner where matters both orienteering and non-orienteering could be discussed.

Our thanks to Simon Moore for acting as Chairman for the past two years. He gave good leadership to the Committee and club during his two-year tenure after a year when we had not been able to fill the post. We are lucky as he has agreed to remain a co-opted member of the Committee for the coming year. And thanks to Stefan (shown in the image) for taking on the task.