6 March 2019 - Club Newsletter gains further awards

The arrival of the February issue of CompassSport magazine this week brought good news for the club.  In the annual ‘Newsletter Awards’ announced in the issue, the Berkshire Orienteers Newsletter was recognised for 3 different reasons.

First, the 50th Anniversary issue was given special mention as being ‘a dazzling piece’ and ‘a tremendously interesting read for members and non-members alike’. Second, the March 2018 cover was selected as being the ‘winning cover’ of 2018 with the selectors stating that it showed that ‘exuberance and competitiveness does not necessarily fade as we get older’. And third, for the sixth year in succession, the Newsletter was listed as a ‘top ten’ newsletter for 2018.

All the club’s 2018 Newsletters can be downloaded from the Newsletter page - see the menu at the top of the page.