1. Preparation
1.1 Information needed from the planner
Obtain to following from the planner
- Information about the courses to add to the results software
- Control Codes
- Course lengths
- Climb for each course
- Number of maps available for each course
- PDF copies of all courses (including an "All controls" map)
- To print maps on the day if necessary
(for level "D" events BKO does not normally have a printer at events) - To help solve competitor problems on the day
1.2 List of equipment to gather together and transport to the event
- Full charged battery box with inverter (clear plastice box with plug ion the side).
- 1 x 4 Gang Extension lead (for 2 x PCs, 1x Hub, 1 x Printer)
- 2 x Laptops with 2 x Power supplies
- 1 x Splits printer with Power supply and USB cable
- 1 x Spare paper roll for splits printer.
- 1 x DLink Network Hub with Power supply
- 2 x Network cables to connect PCs to Hub
- 2 x EMIT USB Card Readers
- EMIT Cards to hire out
- MTR 4 Emit Reader + Splits Printer (Both in black case) as a backup in case of equipment failure
Make sure that the Battery Box, the PCs and the MTR 4 are fully charged by pluging them in a few days before the event
1.3 BKO Laptops
We currently have two laptops one "HP" and one "Acer".
The "HP" laptop is the master and has the database for the event on it.
The "Acer" is a slave unit and connects to the master over the network and allows dual entry of data fro the two PCs. All Data entry is saved ion the "HP" (Master) PC.
When connected either PC can be use to do any of the jobs that are needed ("Entries", "Download" or "Reports").
Typically at the beginnig of the event both PCs will be we to add "Entries" into the system (Registration).
As people start to finish their courses one PC will typically set to "Download", so that competitors can download and print their split times (make sure that the splits printer is connected to the PC that you are using to do the downloads).
Once registration is closed, the "Entries" PC can be used to run reports (e.g. how many runners still on the courses), or for fixing any problems with competitors scores, whilst the "Download" PC continues to do downlods and print splits for competitors as they return.
1.4 Create the event
Once the planner has provided the necessary information (see 1.1), then the event can be set up in the Colour results system.
Using the "HP" (Master) PC start the Colour software, by clicking the colour icon on the desktop.
The application lauches with the last event that it was used for as default.
Click on Event. The event details screen opens. Click on New.
Give your event a name and a venue.
Set the date, club and association - the latter two should appear by default.
Provide a name for the folder. This name must be unique and not have been used before, otherwise the previous event may be overwritten.
(you can check the existing folders by looking in the C:\shared\ECOLOUR\Colour directory. Choose something that does not currently exist)
Now add the list of courses (this cannot be done once the evnet is created for the first time).
Courses can be imported using an IOF XML file (e.g. from OCAD or Purple Pen, however we will cover how to do this manually here.
Add the list of courses in the Courses box. Each course needs to be separated by a comma.
For a standard level "C" and "D" events we use a punch start. So make sure this box is checked.
Click on Save, then click on Set this Event as default on launch (so the application will start with this event in future).
Click on Exit to bring you back to the main screen.
This should now show your event at the top section of the screen.
1.5 Create the Courses
Click on courses to open the course details screen.
Provide the details for each course in turn and click on save for each course.
Each course must have a name (which will be filled in automatically from the event screen), the number of controls (excluding the start and finish) and the control codes.
Do not include the the finish control (249); the systems automatically adds this control.
You can optionally provide
- length
- climb
- colour standard (BKO do not use the Colour Standard so leave as none)
- number of maps available
Note: do NOT check the "Results by time" checkbox, unless you really need it, this feature is for use where you have a chasing start, so is used very rarely.
Click on Save to save your changes before proceeding to hte next course.
The navigation panes exist on a few screens in the application. Click on Next and pPrevious to cycle through the courses (or records) available. Click Goto and you will presented with a list if Courses (or Records) to select from.