Thank you for coming.
Initial results are now available at:
Photographs taken in the later part of the event (about 12.00-13.30) are available at:
Routegadget is now available at: Please add your routes for the benefit of all competitors and so the planners can see how you tackled their courses. Thank you!
Controllers Notes
It was an honour to be asked to control the Concorde Chase this year. BKO have an experienced team and the organisation and the planning team of Mike and Pete were easy to work with. I think Mike and Pete set some challenging and interesting courses in a highly runnable area. Well done guys it was a pleasure working with you.
A special thanks to my assistant controller Peter Riches, TVOC who did both recces with me to check control sites and helped on the day checking the controls were in the correct positions. I have promoted him to General Dogsbody.
Most thoroughly enjoyed their runs judging by the comments. Well done the planners.
I feel I should comment on control 231 used by the Short Greens and Brown courses, which created some debate on the day. We received a challenge from a very experience orienteer early on in the day, claiming that the control was in another pit some 50m to the WNW, and set off to investigate. We paced in on a bearing from the path bend to the W and the suggested site was only 50m away whilst its 100m on the map. Indeed 100m away was a pit on the bearing in front on an obvious small copse of trees and in it was control 231 so we dismissed the claim it was
in the wrong pit. There has been some removal of firs since the map update as many of the scattered trees have been removed, and it is possible this modified the veg boundary shown (representing the edge of some small firs). In addition we checked path junctions to the N on the large WNW trending open area with the pylons and we were happy these lined up.
So back download there were several more experienced orienteers claiming they lost significant time on this control. Indeed two went back to investigate. They also claimed the control was actually in the same pit as the previous challenger some 50m to the WNW of the centre of the circle. They interpreted the trees to be the bend in the veg boundary to the E of the control and not the copse on our interpretation, they claimed the obvious copse on the map was another further E. They claim that all pits and gullies mapped fitted better with those of the ground.
Who’s right? I believe our measurements along the bearing from the path bend to be crucial and the copse is an obvious feature on the ground and is unlikely to the bend in the veg boundary. However as we had a total of seven challenges from orienteers who are very experienced one has to accept there are 2 interpretations of the map in this area. I apologise therefore if you lost significant time and I hope it did not ruin your run.
Mark Thompson, TVOC