Night Event (Greenham Common) 29-Oct-16 - Final Details


Greenham Common Weekend

29th October - Level C Night Event

30th October - SCOL2 (SCOA League) – Level C Event

(with SCOA League 2015/16 Prize Giving)


There is now NO Burger van on Saturday (just Sunday)

BKO and BADO welcome you to a weekend of orienteering at Greenham Common, Newbury.
The weekend starts with a Night Event on Saturday evening and is followed on Sunday morning by a level C SCOA League event which will include the SCOA League prize giving for 2015/16.

NOTE: CLOCKS GO BACK 1 HOUR at 2am on Saturday night

Information Common for Both Events

Parking/Assembly: Parking is adjacent to assembly on hard standing in the north-western most car parks of the Greenham Business Park (GR SU495646). Access into the business park can only be through the eastern entrance to the business park on the A339 roundabout (RG19 6HP - GR SU503638) past the security building then follow the O-signs to parking/assembly. Please note the entrance onto the Business Park off the nearby western roundabout is closed to traffic at weekends.

There is a £1 parking fee payable both on Saturday evening and Sunday. All money collected is going to the Greenham Common Trust, the charitable organisation that runs the business park.

Maps and area: The Map is 1:10,000 on A4 waterproof paper, 5m contours and has been updated for this event. The mostly deciduous area of Crookham Common contains some contour detail and undergrowth as well as a good path network. The old quarry area in the northeast is complex in part and contains water features. The longer technical courses will, this weekend, be visiting the mainly undulating terrain in the eastern half of the area, which has gorse and some ground detail in sections across the former airfield.

Control Descriptions

Control descriptions are printed on the maps. Loose control descriptions will be available in the start lanes. White, yellow and orange courses use text descriptions; all other courses use IOF symbols.


Assembly (and the Maze on Sunday) will be located on the grass area adjacent to the parking area. From Assembly there is a small gravel path leading out onto the common and the starts for both days.


Tom’s Wagon (Sunday only), Ultrasport (Sunday only) and portable toilets (both days) will be located on the hard standing a short distance from assembly.


Water will be available near to download.

First Aid

Ambulance and first aid at both events will be provided by Hart First Response (Registered Charity 1092333)

The nearest hospital is Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital, Aldermaston Road, Basingstoke, RG24 9NA (01256 473 202) – 9.7 miles or Royal Berks, London Road, Reading, Berks, RG1 5AN (0118 322 5111) – 20 miles.


Please keep your dogs on leads at assembly and clear up after them. Dogs are not permitted on the courses on the night event but welcome (under strict control) at the Sunday event.

Enquiries/Entry on the day/EMIT hire: Pre-entry through Fabian4 ( remains open for late entries close on midnight Tuesday 25th October. There will be limited EOD subject to map availability. There is a £2 discount to seniors and a £1 discount to juniors entering both Saturday night and the Sunday morning event online.


Planner – Night: Bernie Fowler BADO

Planner – Day: Andy Macgregor BADO

Organisers: Fiona Clough/Peter Entwistle BKO

Controller: Eric Harper BKO

Mapper: Alan Kersley BADO

Saturday 29th October – Night Event


  • Electronic punching – EMIT
  • No spare torch and whistle – no go
  • Green Glow Sticks – Assembly to Start (200m)
  • Check your name off the list at the start
  • Control Descriptions in start lanes
  • Start time 1830 to 1930
  • Blue Glow Stick on the start kite
  • Blue Glow Stick indicates the Finish
  • Red Glow Sticks – Finish back to Assembly
  • Traders: NO Burger Van on Saturday (only Sunday)
  • Course closes at 2100


A spare torch and whistle must be carried by all competitors and will be checked at the start - No whistle and spare torch - No go. A safety phone number is on the map. Mobiles are not compulsory but if you take one make sure it is in a secure pocket.

In the event of inclement weather cagoules may be required. This will be notified at registration.

Wildlife (cows and ponies) may be roaming the common, please try and avoid them. There are numerous thickets and undulations - take care. The longer courses go in to the NE area of the map. Water levels are continually changing and competitors are to consider this when deciding whether to cross areas marked as seasonal / marsh. There are other route choices available. There are three water features with black borders on the map in the NE area and these are NOT to be entered. There is also a steep slope that is fenced off and must be avoided. The vegetation in the NW area has been mapped as well as can be but may be thicker than advertised on the map.


EOD and EMIT collection will be between 1800 and 1900.

On the day registration will be subject to map availability. All entries on the day will be given a slip of paper with your entry details to take to the start with you and hand in.

Seniors - £12 / Non-BOF Seniors - £14 / Juniors - £5 (please note juniors under 16 must be shadowed

or accompanied by an adult for this event – BOF insurance requires this)

EMIT hire fee £1.50 Lost EMIT cards will be charged at £45.

Lone travellers are encouraged to leave their car keys and emergency contact details with Enquiries (envelopes will be provided).


The final course lengths are as follows:

  • Orange 1.7km
  • Light Green 3.3km
  • Green 4.4km
  • Blue 5.6km
  • Brown 6.5km

Climb for all courses is less than 20m.

Start and Finish

Start times 1830 to 1930.

Pre-entered competitors with their own EMIT cards can go directly to the start. Hire EMIT cards (and back up cards) can be collected from Registration. We are not allocating start times, just turn up and run.

The start is 200m from Assembly. Green glow sticks will mark the route to the start from Assembly. There will be a blue glow stick on the start kite.

The finish is 200m from Assembly and a blue glow stick will be atop the finish flag and Red glow sticks lead from the finish back to download. The area has good paths on the map to help you back to download and assembly if needed. Please remember to download at the earliest opportunity when you finish.

Course Closure

Closure time for all courses is 2100 – all competitors MUST have reported to download by that time, whether or not they have completed their courses otherwise a missing competitor search will be initiated.

Sunday 30th October – SCOL2 (SCOA League ) Level C Event
(with SCOA League 2015/16 Prize giving)


  • SCOA League Prize giving at 1300
  • Electronic Punching – EMIT
  • Control Descriptions in Start lanes
  • Start 650m from assembly
  • Start times – 1000 – 1200 (start blocks)
  • Course closes at 1400
  • Maze at Assembly
  • Traders: Ultrasport, Tom’s burger van.

SCOA League 2015–16 Prize Giving
Prizes will be given out for the 2015 – 2016 SCOA League at 1300.


EOD and EMIT collection will be between 0930 and 1130.

On the day registration will be subject to map availability.

  • Seniors - £12
  • Non-BOF Seniors - £14
  • Juniors - £5

EMIT hire fee £1.50 Lost EMIT cards will be charged at £45.

Lone travellers are encouraged to leave their car keys with Enquiries.

White and Yellow Course runners must collect their maps from Registration.


The final course details are as follows:




No. controls













Light Green




Short Green
















Start and Finish

Start times 1000 to 1200. Note that start times will be issued in 40-minute blocks. You can go to the start at any time within 40 minutes of your start time so if your start time is 1040 you can start any time between 1040 and 1120.

Pre-entered competitors with their own EMIT cards can go directly to the start. Hire EMIT cards (and back up cards) can be collected from the Enquiries/EMIT Collection tent.

The start is 650m from Assembly. There are two different finishes – the finish for Yellow and White courses is approximately 450m from assembly. The finish for all other courses is 900m from assembly.

Please remember to download at the earliest opportunity after you finish.


There will be a Maze set up next to Assembly. There will be several courses and it is free. Have a go if you have a spare few minutes, in fact, have several goes if you have the time.

Course Closure

Closure time for all courses is 1400.


We would like to thank Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) for giving us permission to hold this event on the common.


Many thanks also to the Greenham Common Trust who gave us permission to use the Business park for parking and Assembly.


  • Competitors take part at their own risk
  • The personal data you give will be used by the event organisers and their agents only for the purpose of processing and publishing the event entries and results online, for conducting safety checks and to validate British Orienteering insurance cover. Submission of an entry for the event will indicate your acceptance of this procedure.
  • A BKO Registered photographer may be taking photographs in line with the BKO Photographic policy. For details, see:
  • In the event of cancellation of either of these events, part, or all of your entry fee may be retained.