Priorities |
Action |
Responsibility |
Notes |
Target date |
A Attract more newcomers and increase membership |
1 Provide tangible incentives to become a club member |
Committee |
Reduced entry costs offered to BKO members. Newsletter, email updates Newsletters to be put on website 6 months after issue date rather than soon after publication. |
Ongoing |
2 Increase opportunities to socialise within the club.
See club night, plus maintain existing social events, such qas BBQ, AGM dinner, informal pub gatherings after evening training. Post-event debriefs could be held in local pub, publicised in BKO Update. FC and DJ to arrange. |
Ongoing |
3 25 years of Berkshire Orienteers celebrations |
Committee |
Modified club logo Possible summer party to celebrate |
Summer 2015 |
4 Improve publicity (see below) |
Club bobble/beanie hats prototypes in progress. |
Ongoing |
5 More publicity for Youth League
Youth League Organiser/Committee |
Better publicity at Youth League events – many juniors are not putting their school/organisation on entry forms. |
6 Use all available networks to publicise Clubnights and other events |
Club now has a Facebook page. Club is registered on GetBerkShireActive website
Ongoing |
7 Need a regular ‘meet & Greet’ at Saturday events |
Committee |
Katy has generally done this at Saturday events. Needs to be a designated function, with backup for when Katy is not there. |
Autumn 2015 |
B Attracting/ training Volunteers |
1 Encourage members to volunteer, especially as Organisers/Planners |
All |
Monitor + feedback required |
Ongoing |
2 Provide mentors; new volunteers to work alongside experienced members. Low key Saturday Events are ideal for 1st time experience of various roles.
Committee to identify.
3 Provide and publicise access to training workshops and courses; encourage attendance by publicising and subsidising attendance costs.
Katy S. |
Katy has provided planning training in clubnights, plus delivered workshops: Event Safety; Controllers; Organisers. OCAD and First Aid courses at Longmoor. Possibly some training sessions could be arranged on club nights. |
As available. |
4 Continue to provide incentives to volunteers e.g free or reduced cost entry to events |
5 Provide crib sheets as a quick reference for Planners, Organisers and Team Members |
Committee |
Andrew Graham will distribute documentation that he has Ken Ricketts will provide his guide to setting up a string course |
May 2015 |
C Increase coaching opportunities |
1 Encourage members to attend coaching courses and qualify; BKO to subsidise costs. |
Club coaches |
UKCC Level 2 Coaching course coming up – Dave Rogers |
November 2014
2 Offer regular basic coaching at Saturday events. |
Club coaches |
David to put a note in Update for people to express an interest in one-to-one coaching at Saturday events, email to Ian. Need a list of people willing to provide one-to-one coaching. |
June 2015 |
3 Liaise with SCOA JS to encourage juniors to progress and develop their skills. |
Club coaches |
Ongoing |
D Mapping
1 Identify and map new areas which would be suitable for street O/ Sprint events/Park orienteering |
Katy/ Committee |
Ongoing |
E School Links |
1 Support Berkshire Schools Games
Committee |
2014 School games successful, asked to support again next year. Denise Harper willing to organise in 2015. |
Summer 2015 |
2 Promote BKO club nights and local events to the relevant groups |
Committee |
Ongoing |