BKO use of SI and SIAC
If control stakes are being put out before the day of the event, the planner MUSTensure they are away from public areas so for example cannot been seen from footpaths. To reduce risk of damage or theft, this must not be more than 48 hours before the event.
Control boxes MUST not go out more than 24 hours before the event. If being put outthe day before the event they must be away from public areas and MUSTbe grippledto something solid. Planner and Organiser to ensure that there are enough volunteers to ensure all controls are ready for the controller to check on the day of the event.
Mark Foxwell will time synchronise the controls a few day’s before the event and pass to the planner.
The controls will be in beacon mode which means they can be used as a punching control or a touch free control when used with a SIAC card.
The time from wake up to going back to sleep is set at 12 hours.
The controls will need waking up on the morning of the event by being physically punched(dibbed) by an SI card or SIAC card, control LCD display will activate. Planner to organise a schedule to do this and the Organiser to arrange enough volunteers to meet the schedule.
As we are using touch free the controls need to be spaced from other controls by at least 1m and at least 10m when on the same course from the last control. This is to stop interference between controls and to give the SIAC card time to stop beeping and be ready for the next punch.
As SIACs can register at a control up to 50cm away, make sure the stations are situated in such a way that they can’t be activated from the wrong side of an uncrossable feature, e.g. fence.
Because the FINISH is in punch mode runners accidently passing close by it should not cause a problem.
In beacon mode one control can register multiple SIAC cards at once.
The Organiser needs to arrange turning all controls to sleep mode (off) at the end of the event with the SERVICE/OFF key. If turned off the control LCD display goes blank.
The BSF9 controls have holes in them to allow being grippled to a fixed feature.
Start and Finish
The START, FINISH, CHECK and any timeout controls will be synchronised by the results team(Mark, Brian or Steve) on the morning using the SI Master.
The CLEAR, CHECK, START and FINISH controls are not in beacon mode so will need to be punched by all cards (SI or SIAC) to register. This means we can interrogate the CHECK, START and FINISH controls to see who started and who finished. A laminate ‘Start Notice’ to remind competitors to punch the START and FINISH controls must be put up at each Start and at Registration.
The Start will also need to be set out in the following order CLEAR,CHECK (I suggest we have someone hold this to ensure everyone starting punches) This can be downloaded after the last start and a spreadsheet produced showing who started as a safety check, SIAC TEST, START. A laminated diagram showing the Start layout along with the Start Notices should be supplied by the Organiser (Document titled ‘Start Notice Competitor Instructions and Start Layout’).
As a backup I also suggest we have someone tick off a start list. This must be marked up with any changes, such as extra competitors or competitors who change from running to shadowing so we know who is out on the course.
If a SIAC card fails to flash and beep at the SIAC TEST station get the competitor to punch the CHECK control (to ensure it is turned on) and then retest. If it still does not flash and beep at SIAC TEST the SIAC card probably has a flat battery. The competitor can either use it as a Standard SI card and punch (dib) all controls or if available hire a BKO SIAC card.
Finish is a punching FINISH (this turns off a SIAC card) and should be sited a minimum of 20m from the last control. This is because SI controls drift in time and we want to ensure the Finish time is later than the last control time recorded on the SI or SIAC card.
If anyone retires without punching the FINISH the results team will have a SIAC OFF control to turn off that persons SIAC card.
Late Entries
It is down to the organiser to agree with the results co-ordinator to late entries. We agreed that we would charge an additional £2 admin fee for these (for someone who just forgot) but it is at the organiser's discretion.
Planner Information to results co-ordinator (Brian or Steve)
Course information needs to be sent as an iof.xml file from purplepen or OCAD ideally 5 days before the event along with the map count.
If any changes are made to courses or map count let the results co-ordinator know ASAP.
Results co-ordinator
Will bring results IT equipment including computers, splits printers, SIAC hire cards, a CLEAR and SIAC OFF control. The CLEAR control is to be made available for the Start team but should be recovered at the end of the event for the Results Team.
Print a start list and hire card list and have available on a computer the emergency contact list.
Bring two results team chairs and a small tables for splits printer.
To bring tables, chairs, tents etc.
I hope this is clear and any questions feel free to ask Brian 07422 713450