Generating Results from SI Timing

Si Timing allows you to produce both simple results files and csv or xml files to support services such as BOF results and routegadget. 


HTML results

Important: Do not close screen during event if you are running live results. Use a separate instance of SI Timing specifically for this purpose.   

HTML results include simple results, splits and competiton results for publication on the internet (usually club web page). 

1. From main menu (Event Overview) select results and then HTML Results. 


2. In the HTML results screen set:

       Note that screen may be prepopulated with what you need if a configuration has been saved. 

  • Upload Type: "Create Local" if you just want to save the html files to the local computer. 

                                "Create Loacal then FTP" if you want to send the results directly to the BKO website (live results or provisional results at end of event.) 

  • Folder; Set a location on the laptop to download results to. There is a button at far right to browse the laptop file structure so you don't have to remeber and type this in. (This is required even if using FTP). 
  • Index filename: This should always be index (when using drupal.) 
  • Server : ( will likely work as well.) 
  • User_name:  for live_results
                  or for final results. Suggest setting back to live_results after publishing to help next event team and also keep saved configuration as live_results. 
  • Password: Ask Mark Foxwell (May be prepopulated correctly if using a saved configuration). 
  • Path: Set to relative path to the folder on the website being used for FTP. For live results use "/" (without quotes) as the account automatically points there. For final results point to the folder set up on the webserver and already linked to from the results web page. For example, you would set up "/2024/05-20/" for an event on 20th May 2024. 
  • Data Mode: Set to Internal if just saving results to local computer or External with Autorefresh for live results. Set refresh rate to  30 to 60 seconds . 
  • Max Number of Searches: Increase this if you want to alow people to store several searches at once. (Would keep the number low and car in using for live results)
  • Override CSS URL..: Leave unchecked (The results will not format properly if checked .)
  • Results: Check this to get results!
  • Split times/Calculate Colour Standards/Results PDF/Separate Men's and Womens Standards/Age Classes: Check these if needed, but recommended that you only use whats needed for live results as they will take longer to (up)load. 
  • Courses: Check all courses you need results for. IMPORTANT to do this or you will not see anything other than a header. 
  • Add Single Leg time: Used for Run in competitions/ "Golden Boot" etc. 
  • External Link Name/URL: Use if you want to add links to the results page. (For example to other results on a multiday event.)  Don't forget to check Export. 
  • Refresh Interval: This is the interval for updating results. Set to a minute or so. Don't forget to select "Start Timer". Select "Write Now" to publish results immediately without using timer. Save configuration if you made updates you want to save for next time.  

Important: Do not close screen during event if you are running live results. Use a separate instance of SI Timing specifically for this.   


Exporting Results files (CSV, XML etc.) 


Results can be exported for the following

1. BOF results

 BOF expects all results to be uploaded here, and ranking points are calculated from these results if the event qualifies. (At least Level C and not mass start or score).  The ranking points are recalculated each night after loading and locked on  Wedenesday night.  Ideally load these as soon as possible and then try and get final approved results by the Wednesday. You can upload multiple times until the Wednesday night.  If you need to change results after the Wednesday, BOF office need to do this for you.  SI timing generates a csv file with correct column names which usually needs no modification. 

2. Routegadget 

Routegadget can be generated from XML results file or a csv file, but I find that the csv file handles time outs such as road crossings better, so use that. (SI timing generates a specific csv ffile for routegadget). Routegadget should be uploaded as soon as possible after the event, to maximise engagement. It is not practical to reload routegadget results after you have routes uploaded, so routegadget may not reflect final results and it's purpose ias not to be a final record in that sense, just to provide analysis. The analysis tool splitsbrowser  has also been included in routegadget for the last few years. Splits browser was developed over 20 years ago as a standaloe tool by Dave Ryder (Now SN and previously TVOC). Dave  passed this on to new developers a few years ago as well. Splitsbrowser is still used by a significant number of people  who should also be considered when adding Routegadget. 

3. Winsplits

Winsplits is another analysis tool dating back 20 years or so  It does provide some useful analyses even in the free version so woth adding. It takes a xml or SI timing generates a csv file in a suitable format for winsplits. I find both ok to work with, but generally use csv. 


UKUL has its own upload site, but it takes the OE standard splits format file. UKUL can analyse and exclude non competitve runs. (It requires non starters be excluded but this is usually the case for SI timing results files.)



1. From main menu (Event Overview) select results and then Export Results.

2. Select Export OE File. 

Complete export information: 

  • Filename: Complete folder pathname and filename for results file. (There is a 'Save as' dialog button at the far right of this field.) 
  • Delimiter: Semicolon works best for most uses. 
  • Encoding: Leave as Western European (Windows) 
  • File Destination: Set as "Routegadget", "Winsplits" , "British Orienteering rankings" or "OE Standard" as needed. Suggest that you amend the filename to indicate which it is before you export. (E.G. SwinleyWresultsRG.csv for routegadget.) 


  •  Routegadget option tidies up the splits for routegadget, for example adds a default split back in for timed out sections such as road crossings. Routegagdet will also take XML results. 
  •  Winsplits will also take xml results. 
  •  BOF Orienteering rankings format is used for all BOF results uploads including non-ranking evnets. It is also used for Urban league and UKOL results. UKOL may need further formatting for class mapping.