Summer Parks Event (Windsor ) 17-Aug-24

2024 Summer Parks Challenge #3 - change of venue

Final saftey notice for Long and Medium courses

There are 3 mandatory crossings on the long and medium courses. These all cross roads marked with Xs. You can run along the side of these but not cross. One crossing uses a bridge, the other two are road crossings and there is a 2 minute timeout between these controls to allow time to safely cross. 

Entries have now closed but we will accept late requests by email if maps are available.  

Type Summer Parks Challenge (Level D). 
Date Saturday 17th August 2024
Times SIAC hire Collection: 10:00am - 11:15am; Starts: 10:30am - 11:30am; Courses close: 13.00
Location Windsor & Eton. Assembly and start in the Brocas (Park), Eton.  
Event Details
Parking/ Travel  Windsor is ideally located for access by public transport. If driving, please use parking in Windsor town centre. Assembly is about 15 min walk from Romney Lock Car park and 10 minutes from Windsor station or Windsor and Eton Riverside station (and car park).   




Scale 1:5000.  ISSprOM 2019-2 (International Specification for Sprint Orienteering maps) Updated 2024. Size: A3 

View BKO Orienteering Sites in a larger map


Terrain Historic town centre and surrounding suburbs.     

Long (8.2k optimal 5.8 k straight line 35m climb)  A3 Map 

Medium (5.4k optimal, 4.0 km straight line 30m climb) A3 Map  

Short (2.5k optimal, 2.4 km straight line 5m climb  easy technical difficulty (TD2) )


Long and medium courses will access the busy town centre as well as suburbs. They are suitable for all abilities Please  as for advice if you are new to orienteering.  

Planners Notes: The Main road through Windsor from East to West and the road that circles central Windsor is very busy. These roads are out of bounds except for 3 mandatory crossing points, one is a zebra crossing, one is a light controlled crossing, both of these have a 2minute time out to allow safe crossing of the road. The other crossing point is via a footbridge. It is permissible to use the footpath alongside these roads. 

You should take appropriate care and expect traffic at any other road crossing or car park.
The Medium and Long course cross the main shopping street in Windsor twice. There will be many pedestrians and all competitors should be prepared to walk in these busy pedestrian areas.  



The short course does not cross significant roads or encounter buy traffic and is suitable for unaccompaied under 16s. 
Control Descriptions will be provided on the map.

Loose control descriptions will now be available on the day, but can also be downloaded from the link at the bottom of this page.

Safety: Windsor is very busy with tourists during August. Because of this the area immediately around the castle is out of bounds during competition. (The crowds would be heavy enough to make it a slow option anyway.) Elsewhere, please be mindful of other users of the area, partiucarly when approaching blind corners. 


A reminder that the following mark out of bounds areas on the map.

 An ISSprOM 2019-2 reminder:

The Black triangles side by side indicate entrance to a tunnel or under a  bridge. Dashed/dotted lines show the outline of the lower route.  This map section (Not Windsor) shows an subway under  a road.  The striping indicates there are 2 levels on the map. (Road above and subway beneath.)  





Open in racesignup here:





Charges (surcharge after  11th August) Please check race signup for full breakdown.  BOF Members Non BOF-members SIAC hire charge
Senior £6 £8 £2
Junior/Student £3 £3 free 
Officials Planner: Stefan Stasiuk.   Organiser: Mark Foxwell
Dogs Dogs can join in the fun but should be kept on leads at all times during the event.
Competitors Take Part at Their Own Risk
A registered club photographer may take photographs in line with the club policy - see Photography Policy.
Entry details will be stored in a computer. Submission of an entry for the event will indicate your acceptance of this procedure.

Event Level: 

Level D