28 June 2019 - Berkshire Schools Games Final

Once again, BKO contributed to the annual Berkshire Sports Games by running the orienteering component of this multisport day.  Based at Bisham Abbey, schools which have made it through the qualifying rounds in each district council area compete in the final.  Club member Denise Harper makes all the arrangements and plans for the various heats and the final and is ably supported by Eric Harper who assists and acts as a 'controller' providing a check on the courses and verifying that that the controls are correctly sited on the day. Out thanks to both of them for their efforts. This year, the event was held in lovely summer weather and all competitors showed great enthusiasm in tackling the course.  This started relatively easily but then headed out across the Bisham Abbey golf course.  Towards the end, participants were in full view of their teammates and they would often recieve encouragement and advice from those watching - not always that useful though!