Adding WEB Site Content
This page provides information regarding adding content to the website.
After you have logged onto the system, if you do not see the "Add Content" button at the top left of your screen then you do not have permission to add any content to the website. If you think you need this access please email
Adding "Results", "Splits" or "Final Details" to the Website
(To see detailed screenshots of how to add "Results" please also see Adding simple results to the BKO Website).
- To add "Results", "Splits", "Youth League Results" or "Final Details" you must use the “Add Content” button, since these are separate documents and are NOT part of the Event Document !
- Click “Add Content” and then click “Results” (N.B. the "Results" content type is also used for final details, since they also appear as a tab on the Event page)
- In the "Event" box, Enter the Event for which you are adding the content. This is an Autocomplete field, entering a few letters will give you a cut down list. Pick the correct date for the Event. If your event is not there STOP and email
- In the "Result Type" box select the type of document that you are adding, Reuslts, Splits, Youth League Results or Final Details.
- The "Body" of the document contains a template for final details, this should be deleted if adding "Results", "Splits" or "Youth League Results". For final details you can either edit the template provided or delete the template and add new content from scratch.
Most content can be cut and pasted from other applications directly into the body section of the form.
Raw HTML can also be pasted into the body, by first clicking "Disable rich-text" then pasting the raw HTML into the window. - Images can be added to documents by uplodaing the image file using the "Upload Image" dialogue and then referencing the uploaded file in your document by clicking the image icon in the tool bar above
. In the "Image URL" box /sites/default/files/images/<filename>, replacing <filename> with the name of the file you uploaded.
- It is possible to upload other files (e.g. PDF, DOC) using the "File" dialogue, however this is not reccomended, since only the producer of the file is able to edit it once uploaded, it takes more storage space on the server, users need to have a spearate viewer program to see the information and it requires and extra click to get to the information. Sticking to using the Body of the document ensures all users can see the up to date information immediately.
- If your content is a draft and you do not want it to show up to users, until it is reviewed, then you can change the publishing options near the bottom of the page, Uncheck the "Published" checkbox, and the content will not appear to users. Copy and paste the URL of the page to any reviewers, so they can comment. Remember to recheck the "Published" checkbox, when you want the content to appear.
- FInally, scroll down to the bottom and click “Save” …. All done !
Adding "Minutes" to the Website
- Make sure you have your nice handy PDF file available somewhere on your hard drive
- Name it using the convention for minutes e.g. “BKO Minutes - 14th May 2015.pdf”
- Click “Add Content” and then click “Basic Page”
- Fill in the Title using the convention i.e. “Committee Meeting - Jul 2015”
- Click the Date and select the date of the meeting
- Scroll down to the FILE area and click “Choose File” select the file you created in 2.
- Under Tags Click “Minutes”
- Scroll down to the bottom and click “Save” …. All done !
Adding the "Newsletter" to the Website
- Make sure you have your nice handy PDF file available somewhere on your hard drive
- Name it using the convention for minutes e.g. “Newsletter-Jul15.pdf”
- Click “Add Content” and then click “Basic Page”
- Fill in the Title using the convention i.e. “BKO Newsletter - July 2015”
- Click the Date and select the date of the meeting
- Scroll down to the FILE area and click “Choose File” select the file you created in 2.
- Under Tags Click “Newsletter”
- Scroll down to the bottom and click “Save” …. All done !