Level C Colour Coded Event (Bloom Wood) 22-May-16

Level C Colour Coded Event (Bloom Wood) 22-May-16 - Final Details

Sunday May 22nd 2016

Bloom Wood, High Wycombe


Final Details

Berkshire Orienteers welcome you to the event!


Grid Reference: SU860888 Postcode: SL7 3FG

N.B. There is no direct access from the A404 !

Access from M40 junction 4

From the roundabout take Wycombe Road SW towards Marlow Bottom (not the main A404 dual carriageway S). Turn left (SE) at the Three Horseshoes pub into Pump Lane. After 1km turn sharp left (N) into Monkton Lane and the Parking/Assembly field is on the left after 500m. The event will be signed from the Three Horseshoes.

Be aware that Monkton Lane is mostly quiet, but with occasional fast drivers !

The last part of the approach is along a narrow single track road and departure will be difficult before 12:00.

Access from M4 juntion 8/9

Follow A404(M) and A404 for 12km N towards Marlow and High Wycombe. Take the slip road on to the A4155 and turn left (SE) towards Marlow. At the second mini roundabout (after 300m) turn right into Wiltshire Road. Continue for 700m into Wycombe Road and bear right (N). Continue to the Three Horseshoes pub. Turn right (SE) into Pump Lane and proceed as above.


Parking is on the field adjacent to Assembly. Charge is £1 per car.


Allowed but must be on a lead at all times, including in Assembly area.


The area is private woodland crossed by public footpaths and bridleways. It is generally runnable Chiltern beech wood with some steep slopes. There are a few patches of brambles and areas of slow run especially on the east side which is visited by the Brown and Blue courses only. The courses have been planned to avoid these areas as much as possible.


The map is 1:10,000 with 5m contour intervals, updated in 2013, and will be printed on A4 waterproof paper. The Brown course has a two‐sided map. Control descriptions are on the map and loose descriptions will be available in the start lanes.

Special symbols are used on the map:
 represents a hide or man made object
 represents a horse jump

Course Controls  Distance  Climb   Control Descriptions
White 13 1.5 km 50 m Written
Yellow 11 2.2 Km 70 m Written
Orange 11 2.7 km 90 m Written
Light Green 13  3.0 Km 100 m Pictorial
Short Green 12  2.9 Km 105 m Pictorial
Green 16  4.2 Km 145 m Pictorial
Blue 21  6.5 Km 230 m Pictorial
Brown 28  8.6 Km 320 m Pictorial

Juniors (under 16) should not run the Blue or Brown courses for safety reasons as these have unmanned road crossings.


Start times 10:00 – 12.30. Start blocks (30 minute) will be pre‐allocated on Fabian4 so please check the start list there. Blank maps and control descriptions will be available in the startlanes.

All courses use the same start and finish which are approx. 800m along a taped route from Assembly. No clothing dump.

Courses close at 14:30. Please ensure that you download even if you have not finished so that we don’t send out a search party.

Safety and Clothing:

Please be aware of walkers, dogs and horse riders in the woods. Blue and Brown have two unmanned road crossings. This road is generally quiet but runners must take care as the occasional car does travel at speed.

The route to/from Start and Finish will be taped and pass under the A404 – under no circumstances should anyone attempt to cross the A404 on foot.

Full leg cover is required and cagoules may be required if the weather is bad. A whistle is advisable.

The nearest A&E is at Wexham Park Hospital, Wexham, Slough, Berkshire, SL2 4HL.

Tel 01753 633000. There is also a Minor Injuries Unit at High Wycombe Hospital, HP11 2TT.


There will be toilets, first aid and squash provided. Ultrasport and Tom’s Burger Van will be attending.


Online entries are available via Fabian4, www.fabian4.co.uk, until midnight on 19th May. Please enter online if at all possible.

Entry on the day is available subject to map availability. Registration for EOD is from 09:30 to 12:00.

Fees: (Entry via Fabian4 by 19th May & EOD)

BOF Senior £12, Non‐BOF Senior £14
Seniors on White, Yellow & Orange £7 
Junior & Student £5.00

EMIT hire:

Seniors £1.50, Juniors FREE

Electronic Punching:

EMIT electronic punching will be used with a punching start.


Organiser: Colin Godbold (BKO) events@bko.org.uk
Planner:    Stefan Stasiuk (BKO) events@bko.org.uk
Controller: Peter Riches & Roger Thetford (TVOC)


  • Competitors take part at their own risk
  • The personal data you give will be used by the event organisers only for the purpose of processing/publishing entries and results and as required by our insurers. Entry details will be stored in a computer. Submissions of an entry for the event will indicate your acceptance of this procedure.
  • In the event of cancellation of the event, part, or all of your entry fee may be retained.
  • The club has designated photographer(s) and details are available from registration. Photographs from the event may be used by the club and made available on the internet. Please speak to a club official at registration if you have any concerns.