12 November: BKO Update

First a big ‘thank you’ to the key officials for our event last Sunday at Bucklebury Common – Peter Entwistle (Organiser), Andrew Graham (Planner) and Katy Stubbs (Mapper) with Andy McGregor of BADO our Controller. As far as I could tell the event ran smoothly (although one control went missing on Saturday afternoon).  However the event involved many other volunteers and helpers – an essential element when putting on orienteering events.  Our thanks to them all.  Congratulations to our three course winners: Peter Bennet on Short Green, Antje Inness on Light Green and Adam Methven on Orange (closely followed by Tom Innes!).

BKO Events

Saturday 28th November - Winter Series & Youth League Event

Our next scheduled event is being staged at Black Park to the NE of Slough.  Courses available are expected to be Short Blue, Light Green, Orange, Yellow and White.  For further preliminary details, see: http://www.bko.org.uk/event/black-park-28-nov-15

Other Clubs’ Events

Sunday 15th November – SARUM SCOA League Event – Foxbury Plantation

Perhaps rather late to mention this Sunday’s event which is taking place on the NE edge of the New Forest in a new area for orienteering.  Pre-entry has closed but there will be limited entry on the date – early arrival is recommended in this case. Final details can be downloaded from the SARUM website – they make it sound as though the word ‘plantation’ is no longer appropriate! See: http://sarumo.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Foxbury-Final-Details1.doc

Saturday 21st / Sunday 22nd November – Southern Nights and OK Nuts Trophy

These two events are taking place between Guildford and Dorking and pre-entry for both events closes on Sunday, 15th November. Saturday night is the Southern Night Championships on Holmbury Hill organised by LOK (see http://londonorienteering.co.uk/events/southern-night-championships-2015/) and on the Sunday there is the OK Nuts Trophy event, an annual Level B event organised by SLOW.  This is on Winterfold & Pitch Hill. Details are at http://slow.org.uk/events/oknuts2015/.

Sunday 29th November – BOK SWOA Galloppen – New Beechenhurst

We would not normally mention Level C events so far out of our area but for the enthusiast this must be worth considering. The area was used for this year’s British Championships in the Forest of Dean and is considered one of Southern England’s best orienteering terrain. Further details at: http://www.bristolorienteering.org.uk/events/bok-galoppen-new-beechenhurst-forest-dean-29th-november-2015  Pre-entries on Fabian4 although there is no indication of the closing date.

SCOA League Survey

Another reminder that we are still hoping for some more completed questionnaires.  Although more male, over 55 and regular orienteers would be useful, we particularly need people from other categories – so if you are female and/or young and/or an occasional orienteer, please consider completing the survey!  The link you need is https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SCOA-Survey