17 March 2020: All Orienteering events suspended due to COVID-19

It is with regret that Berkshire Orienteers has had to suspend all current plans for future events due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  In line with government advice and forthcoming legislative controls, British Orienteering (BOF) has today announced that "all orienteering activities in the UK have to be suspended with immediate effect."  As a result, BKO will cease plans for the events due to take place in the coming weeks and will keep under review the plans for future events.  When the situation changes, and BOF allows for a resumption of orienteering in the UK, the club will attempt to rapidly reschedule and update our calendar.  Until then, please stay safe, try and keep fit and, if possible, attempt some of the on-line orienteering activities that are expected to be provided in the coming weeks.  Good luck to your all!