20 July 2019 - School's work recognised at the Club Picnic

Following today's event at Jennett's Park, club members relaxed in the sunshine at the annual Club Picnic.  With catering organised by Fiona Clough, members were able to chat about their recent and forthcoming events and to generally get to know each other a bit better.  The occasion was also an opportunity to publicly thank Denise Harper for her efforts in providing orienteering events to primary school children as part of the Berkshire School Games.  This has involved an annual series of heats around the 6 districts that make up Berkshire and then arranging the final where the top school is identified.  Her work started in 2006 so, over 14 years, Denise has helped ensure that the sport of orienteering has been presented to several thousand children as a challenging competitive sport.  She has now decided that she will step down from this role and so Denise was presented with some flowers and chocolates by Club Chairman Stefan Stasiuk as a token of our thanks for her work.