6 March 2020 - International TrailO Selection for Club Member

We are delighted to note that club member David Jukes has been selected to be a member of the Great Britain team to participate at the European TrailO Championships in Finland in May. Having only competed at TrailO events for 12 months, this is his first international selection and a first time that any club member has been selected for an international TrailO team.

TrailO is a type of orienteering where the physical element is removed enabling physically challenged competitors (for example, wheelchair users) to compete alongside others.  The competition involves accurately assessing the terrain, the orienteering map and the control description.  Competitors have to decide whether a control marker has been placed in exactly the correct location.  There are often several controls markers located in the terrain which are positioned to make the analysis more complex than it might seem. Competitors have to stay on designated tracks to view the controls. For more details of TrailO, see the dedicated section on the British Orienteering website: TrailO.