11 February: BKO Update

The results for Sunday’s Southern Championships have appeared today on the MVOC website and browsing through them it appears that we have 3 champions: Darrell Cruickshank (M90), Ian Cooper (M70) and Adam Methven (M10).  Congratulations to them.  Sorry if I have missed anyone else.

BKO Events

Saturday 14th February - Winter Series & Youth League Event

This Saturday we have our next Winter Series and Youth League Event which is being staged at Langley Park near Slough. There are the usual Short Blue, Light Green, Orange, Yellow and White courses.  Entry is on the day only with registration from about 10.00 and starts from about 10.30.  Unusually the map is at a scale of 1:5,000 so be prepared. Full details are on the club’s website at: http://www.bko.org.uk/event/langley-park-14-feb-15

We have had a request for a lift to this event.  Cristina Palomo is from Spain, joined the club last year and currently lives in Reading (RG2).  Unfortunately she has no car and has asked if anyone can offer her a lift to Langley Park.  If you can help, please e-mail her at: anforamalaga@gmail.com

Other Club’s Events

Sunday 22nd February – TVOC Chiltern Challenge - Penn Wood and Common Wood

A reminder that this event is approaching and pre-entries close this weekend -  Sunday 15th February.  The event is just north of High Wycombe on the road to Amersham. Penn Wood is one of the largest ancient woodlands in the Chilterns. Common Wood is semi-natural ancient woodland, new to orienteering.  Further details are on the Thames Valley OC web site at: http://www.tvoc.org.uk/application/documents/events/2015%20events/2015%20Chiltern%20Challenge%20prelim%20details.pdf

Sunday 8th March – SARUM Saunter – Sidbury Hill

This is the first warning of the event which is hosting the regional SCOA Long Distance Championships 2015. Sidbury Hill is just to the North of Tidworth and consists of mixed woodland and open plain around a steep hill.  Pre-entries by 2nd March. Details are available on the SARUM website at: http://sarumo.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Sarum-Saunter-Sidbury-Hill-8th-March-2015-flier-4.pdf

Sunday 10th May – British Middle Distance Championships – near High Wycombe

This event is being hosted by TVOC but will need support from neighbouring clubs.  BKO has agreed to get involved and Derick Mercer has volunteered to act as the BKO contact.  BKO helpers will get a half-price entry using a code that can be used on Fabian4 when entering.  Details from Derick – please e-mail your offers to him on: derick.mercer@sse.com

AGM and Annual Dinner

Bookings for the Annual Dinner have been relatively slow this year with a few apologies as well.  Details have already been circulated.  Another reminder that I will need to have bookings for the meal (and menu choices) by Monday 16th but earlier if possible please!

David Jukes