Photo Challenge 2016

Martin Wilson set a complex course around the Wildridings and Easthampstead estates in Bracknell for the BKO first Summer Park and Urban Saturday Event of 2016.  The Medium course had 21 controls. All the controls on the Medium course were photographed.  Now it is your chance to try and match the photos to the controls using the map and the control descriptions.

To see the map, go to BKO Routegadget page at: and you should see the map with the Medium course displayed

To see the photos, download the pdf file - CLICK HERE.

Note that two controls used the same site (#11 and #16).  There are therefore two photos of this control taken from different positions.

The correct answers will be published in the September BKO Newsletter and will be given in a further news item at the same time.  However if you can't wait, send your suggestions to the Newsletter Editor for confirmation of your solution: