12 July 2016: BKO Update

We had quite a selection of competitors at Saturday’s Lower Earley event – several local newcomers and one who had even come by train from Bristol!  If you missed the event, you can see the results on the website (Lower Earley results) where there are links to Routegadget and some photos.  Also on Saturday, Martin Wilson was winning the M65 class in the UK Orienteering League double sprint event in Manchester – congratulations to him. Two important items below – the Club Picnic and plans for a Surveying/Mapping course.  Please consider them and respond appropriately.

BKO Events

Saturday 6 August - Summer Parks Challenge and Club Picnic

We return to Lily Hill Park in Bracknell for the third Summer Parks Challenge of 2016. Registration is from 10:00am - 11:00am with starts from 10:30am - 11:30am. Further details can be found on the website – see Lily Park Details

After the success of last year’s event we are again holding our Club Picnic after this final event in the BKO Summer series.  In order to arrange catering could anyone likely to be going please e-mail Fiona so that we have a good idea of numbers in advance for the food and drink. We hope to see you all there!

Other Clubs’ Events

Saturday 16 July – SN Urban - Goldsworth Park, Woking

Pre-entries for this event on Saturday are closed but limited entry on the day may be available. It is possible to reserve a map from the organisers if you are considering going without having entered.  See the final details for how to do this.

Possible Surveying and Mapping Course for BKO Members

Interested in learning how to map an area for orienteering and helping the club produce more maps?  A one-day course is in the process of being arranged, run by the Army Orienteering Association at Longmoor camp (on the A3 between Liphook and Liss). Details are not finalised yet but it will be a practical course involving spending time surveying an area using one of three methods used by experienced mappers and drawing up the results. This will not be a course on the use of OCAD.  The cost will be between £20 and £50 depending upon numbers.  No firm date yet, but 12 November this year and 28 January next year have been suggested by AOA.   If you are interested in attending, with no commitment at this stage, please email Ian Hudson on membership@bko.org.uk indicating your preferred date.