Event Mailing List - Sign up Now!

In addition to the Newsletter (published every two months), members of Berkshire Orienteers recieve regular e-mail updates of forthcoming events, closing dates for entries and other items of local orienteering news.  As a service, primarily for non-members but available to members if they want, we are providing e-mails focussed on information about forthcoming events staged by Berkshire Orienteers as well as a limited amount of additional orienteering news from the local area. These are limited in number and are primarily intended to remind you that we have an event coming up in the near future.  Full details will then be found on the club's website.  To receive these e-mails you will need to sign up using the link below - we only ask for your e-mail address and your name.  If you subsequently decide that you no longer wish to be a receive the e-mails, simply follow the instructions at the bottom of any of the e-mails that you get.

SUBSCRIBE - Click Here