BKO Articles

23 September 2017: Saturday Event at Benyon's Inclosure

Our first Saturday Winter Series and Youth League events for 207-18 took place today at Benyon's Inclosure near Mortimer.  It was good to see many regulars returning for the new season and several new faces who we hope felt welcomed and were able to enjoy the challenging courses.  Results are available on the Results page - see: Benyon's Inclosure Results.  A selection of photos is also available.  See: Benyon's Inclosure Flickr Album.


9 September 2017: BKO claims London City Race medals

Medals for two BKO members at today's London City Race. Denise Harper came in 2nd place in the Women's Ultra Vets class with David Jukes taking first place in the Men's Ultra Vets class. Congratulations to them both. The courses finished in the heart of the Barbican complex with tricky navigation choices including pedestrian routes at several different levels.

7 August 2017: Bronze Medal at the World Masters MBO Champs

While last week a large group of Berkshire Orienteers' members were running through the forests, moors and marshes of Scotland, two members were doing something very different. This year the World Masters Mountain Bike Orienteering Championships were staged in the Orleans area of France ....

5 August 2017: BKO@Scottish 6 Days - Day 6

So the Scottish 6 Days is over for 2017. By all the reports so far, it was a great event with good organisation and challenging courses over varied Scottish terrain. No major successes to report for the BKO contingent but lots of experience gained. No photos of any BKO members available for Day 6 so, for a change, part of the map instead showing the first few controls on one course. In two years time the event will based be in Strathearn, to the north of Loch Lomond.

4 August 2017: BKO@Scottish 6 Days - Day 5

Day 5 at the Scottish 6 Day event - and the main photographer only got one partial shot of a BKO member. This is Cliff Thorne (on the left) completing his M60S course by getting across a low wall. Once again the best BKO result of the day was from Martin Wilson who achieved 4th place (again) in M70L. Good luck to you all on the final day tomorrow! [Photo by Wendy Carlyle]

3 August 2017: BKO@Scottish 6 Days - Day 4

After Wednesday's rest day, Day 4 of the Scottish 6 Days event saw competitors move further up Deeside to an area near Braemar. Early starts were lucky with dry weather but showers set in later. Unfortunately BKO members had later start times today. Our photo shows BKO's Stefan Stasiuk completing his M65L course. Best result of the day for BKO was from Martin Wilson (M70L) who finished 4th in his age group. [Photo by Wendy Carlyle]

1 August 2017: BKO@Scottish 6 Days - Day 3

Day 3 in Scotland saw the competitors tackling 'middle' courses which are shorter but which have a higher density of control sites. Faster times are possible but these events require constant concentration as mistakes can be costly in time. The BKO competitor spotted at today's event is Annika Greenwood seen here completing her W45L course. Special mention of, and congratulations to, BKO's James Wilkinson who had a six second lead over the second placed competitor on his M21S course.

31 July 2017: BKO@Scottish 6 Days - Day 2

Day 2 at the Royal Deeside 2017 6-Day event. Here we see one of the club's juniors (wearing his regional squad O-top) coming in to complete his course. The organisers had built a neat bridge to cross the wall near the finish with steps up and down. But why use the steps when it is quicker to jump! Looks like he has enjoyed his course even if he was out in a rain shower. [Photo by Wendy Carlyle]

30 July 2017: BKO@Scottish 6 Days - Day 1

Several Berkshire Orienteer members have made the journey north to attend this year's Scottish 6 Days event being held this year in Royal Deeside. The weather today was good and the photo shows Annika Greenwood, Derick Mercer and Fiona Clough enjoying the atmosphere at todays' event. Good luck to your all!

17 April 2017: BKO at the JK Festival Weekend

The 'JK Festival of Orienteering' takes place every Easter (this year is the 50th) and it started on Good Friday with a 'Sprint' event around the Brunel University campus at Uxbridge.....
