BKO Articles

23 February 2020: British Night Championships - Medal for Trish!

Last night a neighbouring club, Thames Valley OC, hosted the annual British Night Championships in the Hambleden Estate, just to the NE of Henley-on-Thames. As a 'local' event it was an opportunity for some club members to give night orienteering a try …. [Click title to continue reading]

22 February 2020: Burghfield Common Event

After a one-week delay due to Storm Dennis, today we were able to hold our Saturday event at Burghfield Common. The ground was saturated and it was impossible to avoid all the puddles so everyone had rather wet and muddy feet by the end. However, the weather was warm and the blustery wind help blow the clouds away letting us …. [Click title to continue reading]

21 February 2020: Burghfield Common event - Saturday 22nd February - confirmed!

After two consecutive weekends with heavy rain and gusty winds the weather will improve this weekend. We can confirm that tomorrows (Saturday 22nd) event will go ahead. More details are avaible on our events page and on Facebook.

13 February 2020: Burghfield Common Event Postponed

Due to the likelihood that there will be strong winds and heavy rain on Saturday, 15th February, we have decided to postpone our planned event at Burghfield Common. We are disappointed that we have had to take this action but the safety of competitors and our volunteers must be our first priority. We are however looking to reschedule the event and are requesting permission from the landowners to hold the event on Saturday 22nd - just one week later. We will post again if this is confirmed.

7 February 2020: Club AGM and Annual Dinner

As required by the club's constitution, each February the club holds it Annual General Meeting allowing club members to hear a report from the Chairman, to hear about the financial state of the club from the Treasurer, to elect the club's officials and committee for the coming year and to present awards to selected individuals. As an added attraction, ….

27 January 2020: Club Newsletter again receives CompassSport Award

Once again we are delighted to have heard that the BKO Newsletter has been recognised by CompassSport magazine in its annual newsletter awards. Under the editorship of David Jukes, this is the seventh consecutive year that the BKO Newsletter has been recognised. Previously, CompassSport has chosen 10 newsletters each year for the award. For 2019 only the best 6 have been recognised. All of the issues for 2019 can be seen as pdf files on this website - just follow the 'Newsletter' link.

25 January 2020 - Regional Event (SCOL9) at Star Posts

If you joined us today for our event at Star Posts, near Bracknell, thank you for coming. We hope you enjoyed the courses and the forest. Results are now available - check the results tab. A set of photos …..

17 January 2020: Invitations to the Annual Dinner - Responses needed please!

Club members will be aware tht our AGM is being held on Friday 7th February at Sand Martins Golf Club.  It will be followed by the Annual Dinner, a chance to socialise with other club members.  We promise no mud, no brambles and no swollen streams - just good food and a warm atmosphere!  Details of the food choices and how to reserve a place have been sent out be e-mail today.  Please reply quickly to ensure the caterers can be given accurate numbers in a timely manner.  We hope to see you there.

8 January 2020 - January Newsletter on its way to members

The first Berkshire Orienteers Newsletter of 2020 is on its way to members – either printed copies by post or, for those opting for the pdf version, by email. And it is simply packed with news of club members including international selection, championship medallists, ….

2 January 2020: Southern Championships 2020 – Postponed

We regret that BKO has been forced to postpone the staging of the 2020 Southern Championships from the planned date of Sunday 26th January. We are currently in discussions about a new date in the Autumn. Plans to stage our annual Concorde Chase in January 2019 had been …. [Click title to continue reading]
