BKO Articles

20 FEBRUARY: Swinley Forest - East

A selection of photographs from today's BKO event at Swinley Forest East can now be seen on a Flickr album available at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/103669960@N03/albums/72157664192810999

17 February: BKO Update

Unfortunately, following the AGM on Friday evening, the BKO Committee remains without a Chair.  However all the other positions were filled so we should be able to continue to keep the club running and staging events. ....

2 February: BKO Update

Our annual Concorde Chase is over for another year.  Well done and our thanks to the main officials – Jane Courtier as Organiser and Mike Pemberton and Peter Wilson as joint planners. ....

1 February: Top Listing for BKO's Newsletter

We have been delighted to hear that our Newsletter, edited by David Jukes, has been included in the list of ‘Top Ten Newsletters’ for 2015 as selected by CompassSport magazine. ....

7 January: BKO Update

Happy New Year to you all! Here is the latest of our regular Updates about orienteering in and around Berkshire. ....

22 December: BKO Update

This is the final update for BKO’s 25th Anniversary year but don’t forget that we will be celebrating the 50th Anniversary of orienteering in Berkshire in 2018. Last weekend saw the final event in the national and regional (Southern England) urban leagues with an event in Brighton. ....

7 December: BKO Update

Each year an international website devoted to orienteering runs a poll to find the ‘best course’ in the year. Out of thousands of courses that might be considered, about 70 are then nominated for a public vote. ....

24 November: BKO Update

Although that they were probably hoping for another first place, congratulations to St Andrews School on their second place in the British Schools Championships ‘Middle -  Preparatory’ class.  The event was staged at Sandringham, Norfolk, on the 15th November. ...

12 November: BKO Update

First a big ‘thank you’ to the key officials for our event last Sunday at Bucklebury Common – Peter Entwistle (Organiser), Andrew Graham (Planner) and Katy Stubbs (Mapper) with Andy McGregor of BADO our Controller. ....

8 November: Bucklebury Common Results

Results for our event today at Bucklebury Common have initially been posted to the Emit UK site,  see: SCOA League Results

For Routegadget, see: RouteGadget

Thanks for coming, we hope you enjoyed our return to this area. 
